Things can get mundane while adulting. All I ever do is wake up, eat, go to work, whine about having to go to work, whine about not having enough money which forces me to work, witness stupidity in human form at work, go home, eat again, then sleep. I think I've gotten into the swing of my new routine though, and it sucks. Actually, growing up sucks on the whole and it is as boring as ever. The only thing I can say is entertaining about my life is when my little sister, Terri, calls me with her crazy stories. And believe me they can get wild!
Yesterday evening when she gave me a virtual call I was on the flying bus heading home. Knowing who my sister is, I knew I couldn't take a virtual call from her. The entire flying bus would think we're kooky. Also, Terri has zero filter on her mouth. She would probably offend everyone on board, including the driver; and they'd kick me out mid-air. So instead of going through that kind of deadly embarrassment, I decided to go old-school and hit her with a video call.
There were no hellos or greetings whatsoever. She burst out: "GUESS WHAT DADDY DID!" Already amused, I shrugged my shoulders. Unaware and uncaring about who might see my Bio-Screen, Terri pulled down her pants and revealed her butt, which was strikingly green and growing veins. Fighting the urge to burst out into laughter, I covered my agape mouth. Trying so hard to maintain my composure, I barely made out words.
"DADDY! He left peppermint elixir on my bed, and as usual, he DID NOT clean it up! Now look at me, I have a peppermint booty!"
I could hear my dad in the background yelling at her that he'd fix it soon.
You see our dad is an alchemist by profession, and a plant-lover by choice. He is always cooking up some new elixirs to help his garden grow more efficiently and faster. There was this one time he wanted to make fresh coleslaw, but the cabbage hadn't grown yet. Daddy whipped up some magical potions in about 10 minutes, then put it in the cabbage patch of the garden. Not only did he grow 3 massive 10 feet cabbages, but the house stunk of cabbage for weeks. It was a terrible time to be alive! Now, that I've moved out on my own, I can only imagine the new things he's doing at home.
Terri went on about how daddy is always leaving his things about in the house. Fortunately for me, he heard her and came to defend himself. I started laughing so hard that I couldn't believe how good this free entertainment was. The two are like cat and mouse always going at each other.
"I put it on her bed because she likes to take my strawberry fruit spray and use it as a perfume. So, this is really her fault."
I watched as the two went back and forth with each other. It was hilarious and theatrical. But above all, it was the most heartwarming thing. They're full of life and love. I saw it written all over their faces.
As they went back and forth, I caught a glimpse of my mum sitting, zoned out into her virtual-reality suit. I knew she was probably at the spa. That's her special place to escape all the episodes that happen at home. You know... Routines are nice to have as long as you are able to make an escape from them sometimes. In a world full of monotony, it's good every once in a while, to be surprised with a peppermint booty.